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Our Work

Our work consists largely of compiling as large a database as possible of samples belonging to Iranian-speakers. Additionally, we attempt to model these modern individuals using ancient samples to get a firm understanding of their roots. We welcome as many individuals as possible to join our project. Our intention is to increase the volume of samples available, as well as to diversify the currently existing set.


We believe that we have so far been highly successful in this endeavor, having attained samples belonging to Gilaks, Southern Tats from Taleqan and Tajiks from Samarkand. This is no small feat, as Southern Tats have never before been studied, and it is very difficult to find samples from Gilan or of Samarkandi Tajiks.


Likewise, we have a fair number of Pashtuns from Kandahar and Kurds from Anatolia in our database too. We intend to expand on this in order to get a better picture of the heritage of the aforementioned populations, and can only do so with volunteer support.

Our Work So Far

Our Work So Far

DNA Research

Using the available ancient samples from a variety of different studies, we endeavour to investigate the underlying genomic structure of modern Iranian-speaking groups using cutting-edge population genomics software such as ADMIXTOOLS and ADMIXTURE.

New Modern Samples

We have worked non-stop to acquire a number of high coverage modern samples from understudied groups of Iranian-speakers such as Kurds and Tats to rectify errors in previous studies focusing on the population structure of Iran.

Sponsors and Volunteers

Our endeavours have lead us to both sponsor and find sponsors for volunteers who cannot afford to purchase Whole Genome Sequencing kits on their own. We also support volunteers who fund themselves and greatly encourage this.

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